assalamualaikum.. :)
wink2.. quite a long time i didnt update any really busy with my life schedule always full.. :( exhausted! waa..but able to manage it well.. ;) thankz to Allah.. HE always besides me anytime,everywhere.. :) first..i want to inform that i've finished "contengan jalanan"..hehe ;) tats book really make me the crying..and i didnt manage to hold my tears..wa... segan2.. (-_-).. but am suggest u all to have tat really good..especially to those who want to change for a good.. for HIM.. lillahi taala.. insyaAllah.. u'll be bless..amiin.. and now am on my way to finish "rooftop rant"..hehe.. ;) 2nd juz went back from langkawi.. our school holidays vacation 2012.. ;) 3 family involved.. my mothers side..huhu..really enjoy there.. ;) but am really exhausted because i had to rushing..i did not want to burn my class..furthermore..this week..last class for this sem..huhu for the 1st time i took ets at 5.30 a.m..can u imagine how cold i am inside action are just like baby inside her/his mums tummy.. haha..i covered all my body with my sweater..but still cold..hoho..but in the safely arrived to my lovely UKM.. ;) and rushing to face a lil bit pale..coz am really tired.. :( huhu..this week am really2 to those who inbox me through Facebook or YM..and i didnt really exhausted plus i didnt have enough time to on9..only today am manage to update the one and lovely blog.. :) sorry again guys..
~my cousin(syafiqah), me,my sis(yah),my bro (yin) and at the back my mom~
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Monday, 21 May 2012
Alhamdulillah..Thank you Allah...
Assalamualaikum.. wink2.. ;)
today am fasting..and insyaAllah tomorrow and wednesday also..coz tomorrow will be 1 Rejab 1433H.. :) after tat syaaban..then..ramadhan..auww..cant wait for it.. :) happy right now..on the other hand.. really thankful@ syukur.. alhamdulillah..thankz to Allah.. :) this morning..i did pray "solat sunat dhuha".. suddenly am feel like..quite long i didnt do tat..coz i alwayz have class in the morning..8-11 a.m..then am not able to do just thinking..why not am doing it today?? since i have time.. :') then i automatically taking my "wudhu" and did it.. alhamdulillah.. :) and the same time..i just like "niat".."smga Allah kurniakan ku rezeki..amiin".. :) but am not hope for anything..just "niat"..but friend text me.. she told me tat she want to treat me domino..for our "berbuka" like.. Ya Allah..thank a lot..rezeki..alhamdulillah..and am feel like.. Allah really love me.. :') HE gave me everything.. :') and HE never failed to help me and stay by my side anytime i must thank to HIM as much as i can.. :') not hope for anything because people tat always did "solat sunat dhuha" ..their "rezeki" always there..and never been stop..and they deserve it..because they always perform it..but me?? quite a long did not perform it..and just started back..then, i never taught tat my rezeki will suddenly been give straight away in the same day..Ya Allah..thank a lot.. i really2 love u.. :') i'll work hard to be a better person from day to day..amiin..
p/s: may Allah bless all of us always..amiin.. Ya Allah..please make me become a patience,stronger and good person..and make me istiqamah..doing my work as your "hamba"..amiin
Sunday, 20 May 2012
About girl... ;)
Kami MERAJUK pasti ada sesuatu yang menyentuh hati…kami CEMBURU bukan tidak bersebab…RISAU kami juga bersebab yang menyentuh nurani kami…fitrahnya ciptaan seorang perempuan…Allah ciptakan kami punyai hati yang terlalu halus…punyai 9 nafsu dan 1 akal…bukan kami tidak boleh berfikir dan kadang-kadang kami berfikir lebih rasional dari kaum adam…Cuma fitrah kejadian ini tidak dapat lari dari hati kami…mudah tersentuh…sekuat mana perempuan itu pada luarannya..namun dia tetap perempuan…sekalipun dia bisa menggoncang dunia…namun dia tetap perempuan…sekalipun dia bisa menakluk dunia…namun dia tetap perempuan…sekalipun dialah yag memegang takhta pemerintahan…namun dia tetap perempuan…punyai kehalusan hati..emosi di sisi diri…namun rasional kami jua dari emosi…
Dicipta kami dari tulang rusuk kiri seorang insan bernama lelaki bukan untuk di sakiti…bukan untuk di lukai…namun hikmahnya ciptaan kami…dari situ la kami ingin dilindungi…dari sisi kirimu jua kami ingin dikasihi…dari sebelah kiri jua kami dicipta menjadi kekuatan buatmu kaum adam…kami jua sayap kiri buatmu pejuang-pejuang agama Allah…menjadi nadi mujahidah untukmu ISLAM…SubhanaAllah.. Oleh itu, kepada KAUM ADAM, jadilah PEMIMPIN yg sebenar-benar pemimpin..bukan PEMUSNAH..
Kau digelar sebagai penyeri dunia
Hadirmu melengkap hubungan manusia
Bukan sahaja dirindui yang biasa
Malah Adam turut sunyi tanpa Hawa
Akalmu senipis bilahan rambut
Tebalkanlah ia dengan limpahan ilmu
Jua hatimu bak kaca yang rapuh
Kuatkanlah ia dengan iman yang teguh
Tercipta engkau dari rusuk lelaki
Bukan dari kaki untuk dialasi
Bukan dari kepala untuk dijunjung
Tapi dekat dibahu untuk dilindung
Dekat jua di hati untuk dikasihi
Engkaulah wanita hiasan duniawi
Mana mungkin lahirnya bayangan yang lurus elok
Jika datangnya dari kayu yang bengkok
Begitulah peribadi yang dibentuk
Didiklah wanita dengan keimanan
Bukannya harta ataupun pujian
Kelak tidak derita berharap pada yang binasa
Engkaulah wanita istimewa
Sedarilah insan istimewa
Bahawa kelembutan bukan kelemahan
Bukan jua penghinaan dari Tuhan
Bahkan sebagai hiasan kecantikan
p/s: am in dilema already..whether to choose..going to my friends wedding or holiday with my family.. am going to choose my family..but in the same feel very guilty..coz we have planed already..Dear Allah.. i'll ask from you...let everything went well..amiin.. lastly, my CHELSEA is the WINNER..wink2.. ;)
Friday, 18 May 2012
Sesungguhnya mereka tidak akan bahagia..
Jangan sesekali menganggap bahawa orang yg hidupnya boros dan suka bermewah-mewahan itu akn berbahagia dalam kehidupannya. Sebab kenyataan sebenarnya, gaya hidup mereka tidak patut dibanggakan.
Orang yg terlalu mengejar kenikmatan dan keinginan hatinya, tidak peduli halal dan haram, mereka sebenarnya tidak bahagia. Mereka dalam kesempitan, kesedihan dan kegelisahan. sebab setiap orang yg menyimpang dari aturan Allah dan berbuat maksiat tidak akn pernah bahagia selamanya.Ingat..mana mungkin akan wujud kebahagian yg berlandaskan penderitaan orang lain..Allah maha Adil.. :)
Jangan anda kira bahawa orang kaya yg berlimpah harta dan hidup berlebihan, mereka hidup dalam kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan. Jangan lupa, semakin banyak rezeki yg dikurniakan, semakin berat tanggungjawab yg dipikul. Kita pasti akn disoal..bagaimana kita menggunakan rezeki yg melimpah ruah tersebut? Dimana kita taburkannya?
Sesungguhnya kebahagian itu ada pada diri anda.. Oleh sebb itu, anda seharusnya memperbaiki diri sendiri.. Perubahan yg dilakukan kerana Allah, tidak akn pernah sia-sia..bahkan Allah pasti akan menghantar org yg baik2 disekeliling anda..beruntunglah anda.. ;)
Orang yg terlalu mengejar kenikmatan dan keinginan hatinya, tidak peduli halal dan haram, mereka sebenarnya tidak bahagia. Mereka dalam kesempitan, kesedihan dan kegelisahan. sebab setiap orang yg menyimpang dari aturan Allah dan berbuat maksiat tidak akn pernah bahagia selamanya.Ingat..mana mungkin akan wujud kebahagian yg berlandaskan penderitaan orang lain..Allah maha Adil.. :)
Jangan anda kira bahawa orang kaya yg berlimpah harta dan hidup berlebihan, mereka hidup dalam kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan. Jangan lupa, semakin banyak rezeki yg dikurniakan, semakin berat tanggungjawab yg dipikul. Kita pasti akn disoal..bagaimana kita menggunakan rezeki yg melimpah ruah tersebut? Dimana kita taburkannya?
Sesungguhnya kebahagian itu ada pada diri anda.. Oleh sebb itu, anda seharusnya memperbaiki diri sendiri.. Perubahan yg dilakukan kerana Allah, tidak akn pernah sia-sia..bahkan Allah pasti akan menghantar org yg baik2 disekeliling anda..beruntunglah anda.. ;)
" bagaimana dapat hidup senang seseorang yang suka menyakiti orang muslim atau menganiayai hamba Allah..?? "
p/s: thank you Allah..4 everything.. im happy spending my time today with my buddies.. :) really have such a great time together..lastly, dont single..and not interested in tat kind of just waiting for my future husband..the halal one.. ;)
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Tiada suatu kebahagiaan pun yang lengkap bagi seseorang dan tiada suatu kebaikan pun yg sempurna bagi seseorang
Sesungguhnya anda keliru bila beranggapan bahawa hidup ini harus sepenuhnya melayani keinginan anda sebab perkara ini tidak akan tercapai melainkan hanya di syurga. :) sedangkan di dunia ini seluruh urusan itu bersifat tidak mutlak. Segala yg anda inginkan tidak mungkin semuanya tercapai. Anda harus menyedari bahawa di sana pasti ada bencana, sakit, musibah dan ujian yang datang menimpa.
Jadilah wanita yg selalu bersyukur ketika senang dan bersabar ketika ditimpa musibah. Jangan bermimpi hidup di alam khayalan, yang tdk ada sakit, tdk ada kemiskinan, tidak ada kesedihan, suami yg tanpa cela dan tanpa 'aib. Perkara seperti itu tidak akan tercapai selamanya.
Oleh itu, pejamkanlah pandangan anda terhadap perkara-perkara yg negatif, kekeliruan dan kesalahan yg dilakukan oleh orang lain dan tujukanlah pandangan anda hanya pada sisi-sisi positif lagi baik yg ada pada mereka.Tetaplah anda berbaik sangka, berpura-pura tidak mengerti dan berpegang teguh hanya pada Allah. Jangan sampai anda berpegang pada manusia , kerana sesungguhnya mereka tidak layak utk dijadikan pegangan dan sandaran dalam menyelesaikan urusan Allah S.W.T.
"Usirlah semua kesedihan dengan menyebut nama Allah
yang bergantung kepadaNYA segala sesuatu
dan hindari serta jauhilah hawa nafsu yg melenakan"
p/s: am on my way doing my assignment..but i just wanna share with all of you..tats why am stole a lil bit of my time for this.. ;) my mom called me this evening..she said my friends wedding card have arrived.. ;) cant wait! Dear Allah..thanks for make my life getting much better each and everyday,,without nothing.. ;') and special thankz to those tat always stay by my side.. i really love all of you.. :) and to "atok".. thankz 4 being such a nice friend.. :) i didnt expect tat u will becme one of my close friend..i guest.. :P
Panda.. ;)
wink2.. ;) really like panda.. :P just like kid i am?? do i care?? really like it bcoz its too cute.. ;) and am the kind tat cant see any cute thing.. i will surely want to have one..ops.. :P sorry my future husband! i cant control sometimes.. :P but u love me right??u didnt get angry with "my hobby" right??haha :P hopefully my future husband are a loving person.. ;) hoho.. am sure all of you must at least once think tat am not patience enough to have a husband right?? haha.. of course i am!! cant wait for my future husband to take me with him..haha.. a lil bit crazy this night..haha :P but i jealous when i saw my friends,senior and also my junior wedding picture.. cant wait to have all tat kind of thing... huhu..when did my turn?? week i want to attend my classmates wedding..saturday+sunday! really cant wait...i really2 miss them! my classmate at Taayah... waaa... ;') back to the topic..actually..i just buy some biscuits with a shape of panda.. haha.. can u see how much i love Panda??haha :P..sometimes..??almost all times action lil bit like a kid..haha :P but am matured already ya... :)
My Panda Biscuits.. ;)
p/s: Ya Allah..thankz 4 everything :)
wink2.. ;) really like panda.. :P just like kid i am?? do i care?? really like it bcoz its too cute.. ;) and am the kind tat cant see any cute thing.. i will surely want to have one..ops.. :P sorry my future husband! i cant control sometimes.. :P but u love me right??u didnt get angry with "my hobby" right??haha :P hopefully my future husband are a loving person.. ;) hoho.. am sure all of you must at least once think tat am not patience enough to have a husband right?? haha.. of course i am!! cant wait for my future husband to take me with him..haha.. a lil bit crazy this night..haha :P but i jealous when i saw my friends,senior and also my junior wedding picture.. cant wait to have all tat kind of thing... huhu..when did my turn?? week i want to attend my classmates wedding..saturday+sunday! really cant wait...i really2 miss them! my classmate at Taayah... waaa... ;') back to the topic..actually..i just buy some biscuits with a shape of panda.. haha.. can u see how much i love Panda??haha :P..sometimes..??almost all times action lil bit like a kid..haha :P but am matured already ya... :)
My Panda Biscuits.. ;)
p/s: Ya Allah..thankz 4 everything :)
Monday, 14 May 2012
a story to share...
true story..its funny but meaningful.
pernah satu hari aku pergi la ke sbuah shopping complex,kemudian ade la mat2 rempit dok melepak kt satu sudut,kemudian berlaku 1 kejadian yg buat aku tertarik..
pertama: lalu sorg minah seksi..
mat rempit: "fuyyoo,seksi gile..geram plak aku tgk body die,kalo la aku dpt ni..hishh"
kedua: lalu plak dua org muslimah yg cukup lgkap dgn jubah dan tudung labuh
mat rempit: "perghh,cun btul awek dua org ni,kalo dpt buat bini ni,bertuah la badan"
kwn si rempit: "assalamualaikum kak long..jalan elok2 ye" (cube mgorat gak)
KESIMPULAN : wanita yg tidak menutup aurat hanya dipandang dgn pndangan nafsu oleh lelaki,dan wanita yg menutup aurat akan dipandang dgn pndgn akal dan iman..mat rempit pon pndi hormat dgn wanita yg menutup aurat..fikir2kan.. :)
p/s: i got tat story when i go through one of the page tat i like.. ;) its interesting..tats why i want to somehow a kind of a simple way or a "santai".. may Allah bless all of us.. Amiin
pernah satu hari aku pergi la ke sbuah shopping complex,kemudian ade la mat2 rempit dok melepak kt satu sudut,kemudian berlaku 1 kejadian yg buat aku tertarik..
pertama: lalu sorg minah seksi..
mat rempit: "fuyyoo,seksi gile..geram plak aku tgk body die,kalo la aku dpt ni..hishh"
kedua: lalu plak dua org muslimah yg cukup lgkap dgn jubah dan tudung labuh
mat rempit: "perghh,cun btul awek dua org ni,kalo dpt buat bini ni,bertuah la badan"
kwn si rempit: "assalamualaikum kak long..jalan elok2 ye" (cube mgorat gak)
KESIMPULAN : wanita yg tidak menutup aurat hanya dipandang dgn pndangan nafsu oleh lelaki,dan wanita yg menutup aurat akan dipandang dgn pndgn akal dan iman..mat rempit pon pndi hormat dgn wanita yg menutup aurat..fikir2kan.. :)
p/s: i got tat story when i go through one of the page tat i like.. ;) its interesting..tats why i want to somehow a kind of a simple way or a "santai".. may Allah bless all of us.. Amiin
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Dear My Future Husband...
Dear my beloved future husband.. i really hope tat u are patience enough to wait for me... :') am in the process to be the best for terms of religious, attitude, education, cooking and everything tat am suppose to do when am become your beloved wife.. :) i just want to make sure tat u will be happy with me.. i want to be a good wife for u.. pray for tat.. :') am also want to be number 1 in your heart..after Allah..Rasulullah S.A.W and your beloved parents..Eventhough i still donno who you are..where are u staying..where are u right now.. are you accept me lillahi taala and not because of my beauty or what so ever or not.. but am always trust Allah.. HE knows the best for me.. ;)
Dear my future husband...
I did not ask for a big house..I did not ask for an expensive car.. I did not ask for a chain of gold diamonds.. I did not ask for a lot of money..and I did not ask a life of luxury.. It is enough if it is only "sederhana".. but please let me ask you me..hold my hand with you.. to Jannah.. Amiin..
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
My Senior.. :)
Assalamualaikum.. still alive..thank you Allah.. :) back to the topic.. ok.. seriously.. im touched!! my senior still remember me..after 6years we do no meet each other.. :') and she even remember the name tat i give to her when we are staying in the same room(RBBB) the kind tat like to give a name to person tat im close.. when im still studying at sek raja perempuan taayah(SERATA).. oh can i have forgot all tat?? when she told me.. am about..oh my..touching!!u stiil remember tat? i cant believe.. :') and actually she just near me..shes at UPM.. can u see??no matter where are you going..u still can meet the person tat u have known before..especially even when u want to hide from them..Kuasa Allah.. :') she also told me tat she juz thinking of me this morning..and this evening..we become friends at FB.. alhamdulillah.. :) this year also.. am meet with another senior..after 7years do not meet each other..she came to UKM to meet me last month.. :) she also make me touched!! she even remember my birthday!! :') and quite a lot about me..waaa... am never think..theres people like tat around me actually.. tat alwayz love+remember me.. and even always "doa"..praying for me.. Thank you Allah.. :') and thank u to those who alwayz appreciate me..give me support and everything..whether direct or indirectly..i have known them or not.. thank a lot.. :)
salam sayang from me to them.. :) still alive..thank you Allah.. :) back to the topic.. ok.. seriously.. im touched!! my senior still remember me..after 6years we do no meet each other.. :') and she even remember the name tat i give to her when we are staying in the same room(RBBB) the kind tat like to give a name to person tat im close.. when im still studying at sek raja perempuan taayah(SERATA).. oh can i have forgot all tat?? when she told me.. am about..oh my..touching!!u stiil remember tat? i cant believe.. :') and actually she just near me..shes at UPM.. can u see??no matter where are you going..u still can meet the person tat u have known before..especially even when u want to hide from them..Kuasa Allah.. :') she also told me tat she juz thinking of me this morning..and this evening..we become friends at FB.. alhamdulillah.. :) this year also.. am meet with another senior..after 7years do not meet each other..she came to UKM to meet me last month.. :) she also make me touched!! she even remember my birthday!! :') and quite a lot about me..waaa... am never think..theres people like tat around me actually.. tat alwayz love+remember me.. and even always "doa"..praying for me.. Thank you Allah.. :') and thank u to those who alwayz appreciate me..give me support and everything..whether direct or indirectly..i have known them or not.. thank a lot.. :)
salam sayang from me to them.. :)
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
MasyaAllah.. Subhanallah..Alhamdulilllah.. :)
huhu..are u in a good mood?? well.. im alwayz in a good mood.. ;) but today im quite class 8a.m until 5 p.m and yesterday night..i went to bed quite late..near 3 i guess.. not too sure..hehe :P its all because i want to "khatam" syabab musafir kasih by ustzh fatimah syarha...and am succeed..yay!! :) back to the topic.. im alwayz and since last few month..theres a lot of praise tat i receive from variety of people..they said tat.. am good, soft, well-mannerd, cute, comey,cun, pretty ever, clever,my eyelash was soo beautiful (she thought i make it at somewhere..but when i told her its original..then she keep praise me..), religious person, my future husband are lucky to have me,and even want me to be their daughter in law..ipar or what so ever..some of them make me their reference.. :) all i just want to say is.. "haza min fadhli rabbi".. everything just from Allah.. am appreciate all of it..and alhamdulillah..thankz to Allah.. :') HE the one who let me be like this.. :) lastly.. theres a picture of all the book tat i bought from kuala lumpur international book fair, PWTC.. they wait for their turn to be read by me... hahahaha.. wait ya my dear.. ;)
my lovely books.. just ignore my "kain batik"..haha
p/s: im quite bz nowadays.. a lot of assigmnt need to be settle down..huhu..nvm.. just :) u will fell much better.. :) Allah.. pliz alwayz hold my hand.. :')
huhu..are u in a good mood?? well.. im alwayz in a good mood.. ;) but today im quite class 8a.m until 5 p.m and yesterday night..i went to bed quite late..near 3 i guess.. not too sure..hehe :P its all because i want to "khatam" syabab musafir kasih by ustzh fatimah syarha...and am succeed..yay!! :) back to the topic.. im alwayz and since last few month..theres a lot of praise tat i receive from variety of people..they said tat.. am good, soft, well-mannerd, cute, comey,cun, pretty ever, clever,my eyelash was soo beautiful (she thought i make it at somewhere..but when i told her its original..then she keep praise me..), religious person, my future husband are lucky to have me,and even want me to be their daughter in law..ipar or what so ever..some of them make me their reference.. :) all i just want to say is.. "haza min fadhli rabbi".. everything just from Allah.. am appreciate all of it..and alhamdulillah..thankz to Allah.. :') HE the one who let me be like this.. :) lastly.. theres a picture of all the book tat i bought from kuala lumpur international book fair, PWTC.. they wait for their turn to be read by me... hahahaha.. wait ya my dear.. ;)
my lovely books.. just ignore my "kain batik"..haha
p/s: im quite bz nowadays.. a lot of assigmnt need to be settle down..huhu..nvm.. just :) u will fell much better.. :) Allah.. pliz alwayz hold my hand.. :')
Monday, 7 May 2012
Dinner KUO..
Alhamdulillah..everything went well till now..thank you Allah.. :) back to the topic.. my friends and i got table birthday also 10.. 1/10..hehe..the food quite delicious..better from last year for sure.. the only one who have to stay for one year more..after that only.. i will grade..all of them in their final year..waaa....nvm..just be time will come..hehe ;) donno what to say anymore..theres some picture been taken.. ;)
~..diana, bella, me n mira..~
~ our theme.. back to scholl~
~im wearing my friends spec..hehe~
p/s: Dear Allah..thank a lot for everything that YOU gave to me..everyday i become more stronger+patience. ;) and im happy with my life now.. :)
Alhamdulillah..everything went well till now..thank you Allah.. :) back to the topic.. my friends and i got table birthday also 10.. 1/10..hehe..the food quite delicious..better from last year for sure.. the only one who have to stay for one year more..after that only.. i will grade..all of them in their final year..waaa....nvm..just be time will come..hehe ;) donno what to say anymore..theres some picture been taken.. ;)
~with my best friends.. mira..~
~..diana, bella, me n mira..~
~ our theme.. back to scholl~
~im wearing my friends spec..hehe~
p/s: Dear Allah..thank a lot for everything that YOU gave to me..everyday i become more stronger+patience. ;) and im happy with my life now.. :)
Saturday, 5 May 2012
First of all..tenkiu Allah.. :) finally i manage to go there..hehe..and the most important thing.. i bought the books that i mention before.. Rooftop Rant+5 Tahun 5 Bulan+ Aku Terima Nikahnya..wink3.. ;) im sooo happy.. cant stop smiling...until now..haha..over! :P quite tired..but its nothing at all..hoho..coz i got what i want..haha :) theres some picture was taken there.. :P
First of all..tenkiu Allah.. :) finally i manage to go there..hehe..and the most important thing.. i bought the books that i mention before.. Rooftop Rant+5 Tahun 5 Bulan+ Aku Terima Nikahnya..wink3.. ;) im sooo happy.. cant stop smiling...until now..haha..over! :P quite tired..but its nothing at all..hoho..coz i got what i want..haha :) theres some picture was taken there.. :P
Friday, 4 May 2012
excited.. ;)
wink2..;) hehe..terlebih excited.. dpt tgk bulan yg cgt cntik.. subhanallah.. :) then.. wt kje mengadap bulan la.. haha..duk amk gmbr la..memg xde kje sgguh kn..hehe.. do i care?? haha :P i really love to watch moon.. hehe.. coz its beautiful + i feel calmness.. actually i once dream to watch moon with my husband one day..haha.. am i romantic??ahakz..haha :P my husband..its up to me la nk wt ap pn kn..hahaha..ok..gelong sekejap.. :P
mula membesar.. ;)
besar ag ckit..haha :P
p/s:excited gak sb tommorow im going to buy hlovate book tat i mention before..hehe.. xsbo!! ;)
wink2..;) hehe..terlebih excited.. dpt tgk bulan yg cgt cntik.. subhanallah.. :) then.. wt kje mengadap bulan la.. haha..duk amk gmbr la..memg xde kje sgguh kn..hehe.. do i care?? haha :P i really love to watch moon.. hehe.. coz its beautiful + i feel calmness.. actually i once dream to watch moon with my husband one day..haha.. am i romantic??ahakz..haha :P my husband..its up to me la nk wt ap pn kn..hahaha..ok..gelong sekejap.. :P
nmpk mcm love x??hahaha
mula membesar.. ;)
besar ag ckit..haha :P
p/s:excited gak sb tommorow im going to buy hlovate book tat i mention before..hehe.. xsbo!! ;)
reading..hehe :)
Assalamualaikum... i work hard to finish two books that i borrowed from my lovely friends..hehe.. "Syabab Musafir Kasih" + " Jangan Bersedih Jadilah Wanita yang Bahagia" fall in love with that kind of book and sometimes.. sometimes?? actually always..haha..i feel like wanna buy many10 books like that..hehe.. now in my mind..i want to buy "Rooftop Rant" and "5 Tahun 5 Bulan"..this two from Hlovate of course..hehe..later i want to buy pelangi, contengan jalanan.. in easy word..all book from Hlovate i want to have one..hehe..can u see how eager i am to have all of i care?? :P too sad.. the book that i really3 want since last last year..haha..its too late already..i do not manage to get one yet.. "Aku Terima Nikahnya"..
actually i used to buy the book tat have the same title..but infront of it..there is Usai.."Usai.. Aku Terima Nikahnya". i taught tat was the book tat i really3 want..but im "berangan"..haha.. the answer was NOT... :( waa...pity me... :( who want to buy it for me?? the real one...the author.. Hasrizal Abdul Jamil..hahaha.. i will make sure..i get it one day.. ;)
p/s: thank you Allah..for everything that u gave to me.. :') life everyday went well..and always happy.. :) i work hard to finish two books that i borrowed from my lovely friends..hehe.. "Syabab Musafir Kasih" + " Jangan Bersedih Jadilah Wanita yang Bahagia" fall in love with that kind of book and sometimes.. sometimes?? actually always..haha..i feel like wanna buy many10 books like that..hehe.. now in my mind..i want to buy "Rooftop Rant" and "5 Tahun 5 Bulan"..this two from Hlovate of course..hehe..later i want to buy pelangi, contengan jalanan.. in easy word..all book from Hlovate i want to have one..hehe..can u see how eager i am to have all of i care?? :P too sad.. the book that i really3 want since last last year..haha..its too late already..i do not manage to get one yet.. "Aku Terima Nikahnya"..
actually i used to buy the book tat have the same title..but infront of it..there is Usai.."Usai.. Aku Terima Nikahnya". i taught tat was the book tat i really3 want..but im "berangan"..haha.. the answer was NOT... :( waa...pity me... :( who want to buy it for me?? the real one...the author.. Hasrizal Abdul Jamil..hahaha.. i will make sure..i get it one day.. ;)
p/s: thank you Allah..for everything that u gave to me.. :') life everyday went well..and always happy.. :)
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
ok..i've done reading that hlovate again.. ;) i really fall in love with that novel.. there is a lot about relationship among different genders or in islamic word which is thiqah, our religious(Islam) and marriage in Islam..teach us how to build a good baitul muslim.. how we are going to be a good husband and wife..and sort of "cinta selepas kahwin".. something like that.. actually i used to have "cinta selepas kahwin".. haha.. because for me..its too SWEET.. hoho..but its just my dream.. donno whether my dream been fulfill or not..haha..nvm, just pray to Allah..ask HIM anything u want..everytime.. insyaAllah..if it is good for u..then HE will give it sooner or later.. :) Trust Allah my dear.. :)
ok..i've done reading that hlovate again.. ;) i really fall in love with that novel.. there is a lot about relationship among different genders or in islamic word which is thiqah, our religious(Islam) and marriage in Islam..teach us how to build a good baitul muslim.. how we are going to be a good husband and wife..and sort of "cinta selepas kahwin".. something like that.. actually i used to have "cinta selepas kahwin".. haha.. because for me..its too SWEET.. hoho..but its just my dream.. donno whether my dream been fulfill or not..haha..nvm, just pray to Allah..ask HIM anything u want..everytime.. insyaAllah..if it is good for u..then HE will give it sooner or later.. :) Trust Allah my dear.. :)
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